100 Examples of Synonyms Words in English Grammar

100 Examples of Synonyms Words in English Grammar

100 Examples of Synonyms Words

100 Examples of Synonyms Words

1. Abundance - Plenty

2. Acquire - Obtain

3. Afraid - Scared

4. Angry - Furious

5. Answer - Reply

6. Beautiful - Gorgeous

7. Begin - Start

8. Brave - Courageous

9. Bright - Radiant

10. Calm - Serene

11. Careful - Cautious

12. Clever - Intelligent

13. Cold - Chilly

14. Complete - Whole

15. Dangerous - Hazardous

16. Dark - Gloomy

17. Defend - Protect

18. Difficult - Challenging

19. Dirty - Filthy

20. Discover - Uncover

21. Easy - Simple

22. End - Finish

23. Excited - Thrilled

24. Famous - Well-known

25. Fear - Dread

26. First - Primary

27. Free - Liberated

28. Funny - Hilarious

29. Generous - Charitable

30. Happy - Joyful

31. Help - Assist

32. Honest - Truthful

33. Huge - Enormous

34. Important - Crucial

35. Interesting - Fascinating

36. Kind - Benevolent

37. Large - Big

38. Laugh - Giggle

39. Lazy - Idle

40. Little - Small

41. Lonely - Isolated

42. Loud - Noisy

43. Love - Adore

44. Lucky - Fortunate

45. Mad - Angry

46. Neat - Tidy

47. New - Fresh

48. Old - Ancient

49. Open - Uncover

50. Patient - Tolerant

51. Pretty - Beautiful

52. Proud - Arrogant

53. Quick - Fast

54. Quiet - Silent

55. Rich - Wealthy

56. Sad - Sorrowful

57. Scared - Terrified

58. Shout - Yell

59. Simple - Basic

60. Smart - Intelligent

61. Strong - Powerful

62. Stupid - Foolish

63. Tall - High

64. Tired - Exhausted

65. Ugly - Hideous

66. Unique - One-of-a-kind

67. Upset - Distressed

68. Useful - Beneficial

69. Vast - Wide

70. Warm - Hot

71. Weak - Frail

72. Wealthy - Affluent

73. Wet - Damp

74. Wise - Intelligent

75. Wonderful - Amazing

76. Worried - Anxious

77. Young - Youthful

78. Zip - Zipper

79. Accept - Embrace

80. Achieve - Attain

81. Affection - Love

82. Aid - Help

83. Alert - Vigilant

84. Astonish - Amaze

85. Attack - Assault

86. Awful - Terrible

87. Capture - Seize

88. Celebrate - Commemorate

89. Consume - Devour

90. Destroy - Demolish

91. Discover - Find

92. Eager - Enthusiastic

93. Emerge - Surface

94. Encourage - Motivate

95. Enormous - Huge

96. Excite - Stimulate

97. Explore - Discover

98. Familiar - Well-known

99. Fierce - Ferocious

100. Forgive - Pardon

100 Examples of Synonyms Words

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