10 Sentences Starting with Gerund | Gerund at the Beginning of a Sentence Examples

10 Sentences Starting with Gerund

Here are the examples of sentences starting with "you" word:

Sentences Starting with Gerund

1. Jogging is a great way to stay fit.

2. Singing brings joy to my heart.

3. Writing helps me express my thoughts and emotions.

4. Dancing is her passion and form of self-expression.

5. Cooking is both a hobby and a creative outlet for me.

6. Reading allows me to escape into different worlds.

7. Painting brings colors and life to the canvas.

8. Swimming is a refreshing activity on a hot summer day.

9. Gardening brings me closer to nature and calms my mind.

10. Running helps me clear my head and boost my energy.

11. Playing the guitar is his favorite pastime.

12. Traveling opens up new horizons and broadens my perspective.

13. Volunteering gives me a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

14. Learning new languages challenges and stimulates my mind.

15. Meditating helps me find inner peace and tranquility.

16. Teaching brings me joy and a sense of making a difference.

17. Acting allows me to step into different characters and tell stories.

18. Hiking immerses me in nature and recharges my soul.

19. Drawing lets me express my creativity and imagination.


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