10 Sentences Starting with Verb | Verb at the Beginning of a Sentence Examples

10 Sentences Starting with Verb

Here are the examples of sentences starting with Verb:

Sentences Starting with Verb

1. Run as fast as you can!

2. Dance like nobody is watching.

3. Eat your vegetables for a healthy diet.

4. Jump over the hurdle to complete the race.

5. Sing your favorite song with passion.

6. Write a heartfelt letter to express your feelings.

7. Play the piano with grace and precision.

8. Swim in the ocean to cool off on a hot day.

9. Paint a beautiful picture on the canvas.

10. Read a book to expand your knowledge.

11. Speak up for what you believe in.

12. Sleep peacefully under the starry sky.

13. Laugh out loud at a funny joke.

14. Cook a delicious meal for your loved ones.

15. Explore new places and discover hidden gems.

16. Solve the puzzle to challenge your mind.

17. Listen to the birds chirping in the morning.

18. Create a masterpiece with your artistic skills.

19. Plant flowers in your garden for a vibrant display.

20. Climb the mountain to enjoy breathtaking views.


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