100 Examples of Collective Nouns of Animals in English with PDF

100 Examples of Collective Nouns of Animals With Sentences and PDF

100 examples of collective nouns of animals with sentences

100 Examples of Collective Nouns of Animals

1. Herd of elephants: A herd of elephants crossed the savannah.

2. Pack of wolves: The pack of wolves howled at the moon.

3. Flock of birds: A flock of birds flew in formation.

4. Pod of dolphins: We spotted a pod of dolphins swimming near the boat.

5. Swarm of bees: The swarm of bees buzzed around the hive.

6. School of fish: A school of fish swam together in the ocean.

7. Colony of ants: The colony of ants worked together to build their nest.

8. Troop of monkeys: We saw a troop of monkeys swinging through the trees.

9. Pride of lions: The pride of lions rested in the shade.

10. Herd of cattle: The herd of cattle grazed in the field.

11. Colony of penguins: A colony of penguins huddled together for warmth.

12. Pack of dogs: The pack of dogs played fetch in the park.

13. Swarm of mosquitoes: We were attacked by a swarm of mosquitoes.

14. Nest of rabbits: A nest of rabbits burrowed underground.

15. Army of ants: An army of ants marched in a straight line.

16. Shoal of fish: The shoal of fish shimmered in the sunlight.

17. Gaggle of geese: A gaggle of geese flew overhead in a V-formation.

18. Colony of bees: The colony of bees produced honey in the hive.

19. Flock of sheep: A flock of sheep grazed peacefully in the meadow.

20. Crash of rhinoceroses: A crash of rhinoceroses charged through the grassland.

21. Pack of hyenas: The pack of hyenas scavenged for food.

22. Pride of peacocks: The pride of peacocks displayed their vibrant feathers.

23. Swarm of locusts: A swarm of locusts devoured the crops.

24. Troop of baboons: A troop of baboons played and groomed each other.

25. Colony of bats: A colony of bats hung upside down in the cave.

26. School of dolphins: We spotted a school of dolphins leaping out of the water.

27. Herd of horses: The herd of horses galloped across the field.

28. Pack of coyotes: The pack of coyotes howled at the moon.

29. Flock of seagulls: A flock of seagulls gathered on the beach.

30. Swarm of wasps: The swarm of wasps built a nest in the tree.

31. Colony of termites: The colony of termites constructed intricate tunnels.

32. Troop of scouts: A troop of scouts hiked through the forest.

33. Pride of pe lions: The pride of pe lions rested under the shade of a tree.

34. Herd of deer: A herd of deer grazed peacefully in the meadow.

35. Flock of chickens: A flock of chickens pecked at the ground.

36. Swarm of butterflies: The swarm of butterflies fluttered in the garden.

37. Colony of seahorses: A colony of seahorses swam among the coral.

38. Pack of foxes: The pack of foxes played and chased each other.

39. Pod of whales: We spotted a pod of whales breaching in the ocean.

40. Troop of soldiers: A troop of soldiers marched in formation.

41. Herd of goats: The herd of goats climbed the rocky hillside.

42. Swarm of locusts: A swarm of locusts descended upon the fields.

43. Flock of geese: A flock of geese honked as they flew overhead.

44. School of sharks: We encountered a school of sharks while diving.

45. Colony of seagulls: The colony of seagulls squawked by the shore.

46. Pack of hyenas: The pack of hyenas scavenged for food in the night.

47. Pride of lions: The pride of lions hunted together on the savannah.

48. Swarm of bees: The swarm of bees buzzed around the hive.

49. Troop of monkeys: A troop of monkeys swung through the trees.

50. Herd of elephants: The herd of elephants marched across the plain.

51. Flock of birds: A flock of birds flew south for the winter.

52. School of fish: A school of fish swam in the reef.

53. Colony of ants: The colony of ants worked together to gather food.

54. Pack of wolves: The pack of wolves hunted in the moonlit forest.

55. Swarm of mosquitoes: A swarm of mosquitoes buzzed around the campsite.

56. Nest of snakes: We found a nest of snakes under the rocks.

57. Army of ants: An army of ants marched in a straight line.

58. Shoal of fish: The shoal of fish moved in synchrony.

59. Gaggle of geese: A gaggle of geese honked loudly as they landed.

60. Colony of penguins: A colony of penguins huddled together to keep warm.

61. Pack of dogs: The pack of dogs played fetch in the park.

62. Swarm of bees: The swarm of bees collected nectar from the flowers.

63. Nest of birds: We found a nest of baby birds in the tree.

64. Troop of monkeys: A troop of monkeys swung from branch to branch.

65. Herd of cattle: The herd of cattle grazed in the pasture.

66. Flock of sheep: A flock of sheep grazed on the hillside.

67. Colony of ants: The colony of ants built intricate tunnels in the ground.

68. Pack of wolves: The pack of wolves howled at the moon.

69. Swarm of bees: The swarm of bees buzzed around the beehive.

70. School of fish: A school of fish swam in unison.

71. Army of ants: An army of ants marched in a line, carrying food.

72. Shoal of fish: The shoal of fish shimmered as they moved in the water.

73. Flock of seagulls: A flock of seagulls gathered on the beach.

74. Colony of bees: The colony of bees worked together to produce honey.

75. Troop of monkeys: A troop of monkeys swung from tree to tree.

76. Pride of lions: The pride of lions roamed the savannah.

77. Herd of elephants: The herd of elephants moved gracefully through the grasslands.

78. Pack of wolves: The pack of wolves hunted together in the forest.

79. Swarm of bees: The swarm of bees built their hive in a tree.

80. School of fish: A school of fish swam in synchronized patterns.

81. Colony of ants: The colony of ants foraged for food in a straight line.

82. Troop of baboons: A troop of baboons climbed and played in the trees.

83. Flock of sheep: A flock of sheep grazed peacefully in the meadow.

84. Crash of rhinoceroses: A crash of rhinoceroses charged through the grassland.

85. Pod of dolphins: We saw a pod of dolphins leaping out of the water.

86. Army of ants: An army of ants marched in perfect formation.

87. Shoal of fish: The shoal of fish moved together in harmony.

88. Gaggle of geese: A gaggle of geese honked loudly as they flew by.

89. Colony of bees: The colony of bees produced honey in their hive.

90. Troop of monkeys: A troop of monkeys swung through the trees.

91. Flock of seagulls: A flock of seagulls gathered on the beach.

92. Swarm of mosquitoes: The swarm of mosquitoes buzzed around the campsite.

93. Herd of cows: The herd of cows grazed peacefully in the field.

94. Pack of coyotes: The pack of coyotes howled in the moonlight.

95. Swarm of locusts: A swarm of locusts descended upon the crops.

96. Colony of penguins: A colony of penguins waddled on the icy shores.

97. Troop of scouts: A troop of scouts hiked through the forest.

98. Flock of chickens: A flock of chickens pecked at the ground.

99. Crash of elephants: A crash of elephants marched through the jungle.

100. Colony of bats: A colony of bats hung upside down in the cave.

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