100 Examples of Homophones with Sentences

100 Examples of Homophones with Sentences with PDF

100 Examples of Homophones with Sentences

Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. They are often confused because of their similar pronunciation. 

100 Examples of Homophones with Sentences

1. Allowed (permitted) / Aloud (audibly)

  • She is not allowed to speak aloud during the exam.

2. Bare (naked) / Bear (animal)

  • The hiker encountered a bear in the wilderness.

3. Capital (city) / Capitol (building)

  • The capital of the United States is Washington, D.C., where the Capitol building is located.

4. Cell (small room) / Sell (to trade)

  • He decided to sell his old cell phone.

5. Cite (to quote) / Site (location)

  • The student forgot to cite the source of the information on his research site.

6. Complement (to complete) / Compliment (praise)

  • She received a compliment on her complementing outfit.

7. Desert (arid land) / Dessert (sweet treat)

  • After dinner, we had a delicious dessert.

8. Flour (powdered grain) / Flower (plant blossom)

  • She planted a flower in the potting soil made of flour.

9. Gorilla (large ape) / Guerrilla (irregular soldier)

  • The guerrilla fighters hid in the jungle, just like a gorilla.

10. Hair (strands on the head) / Hare (fast-running animal)

  • The hare quickly darted across the field.

11. Here (in this place) / Hear (to listen)

  • Come here and hear what I have to say.

12. Idle (inactive) / Idol (a revered figure)

  • He spent idle hours worshiping his idol.

13. Mail (postal system) / Male (gender)

  • The mail carrier delivered a package to the male recipient.

14. Maid (female servant) / Made (past tense of make)

  • She made sure the maid completed her duties.

15. Pair (set of two) / Pear (fruit)

  • I bought a pair of shoes and a ripe pear at the market.

16. Rain (precipitation) / Reign (to rule)

  • The queen's reign lasted for many years despite the rain.

17. Road (a route) / Rode (past tense of ride)

  • She rode her bike down the road.

18. Stationary (not moving) / Stationery (writing materials)

  • She bought some new stationery for her stationary desk.

19. Tail (rear end) / Tale (story)

  • The fox's tail was as captivating as the tale of its adventures.

20. Threw (past tense of throw) / Through (passing from one side to the other)

  • She threw the ball through the hoop.

21. Waist (part of the body) / Waste (discard)

  • He tied a belt around his waist and disposed of the waste in the trash bin.

22. Brake (car part) / Break (to separate)

  • He had to brake suddenly to avoid a break in traffic.

23. Eye (organ of sight) / I (pronoun)

  • I can see the bird with my own eye.

24. Fair (just) / Fare (cost of transportation)

  • The fair price for the bus fare was reasonable.

25. Knew (past tense of know) / New (recently made)

  • She knew about the new arrival at the store.

26. Right (correct) / Write (to put words on paper)

  • Please write your name on the right side of the paper.

27. Sea (body of saltwater) / See (to perceive with eyes)

  • We can see the sea from the top of the hill.

28. Thyme (herb) / Time (duration)

  • She added some thyme to the recipe, which required more time to cook.

29. Road (a route) / Rode (past tense of ride)

  • She rode her bike down the road.

30. Stationary (not moving) / Stationery (writing materials)

  • She bought some new stationery for her stationary desk.

31. Tail (rear end) / Tale (story)

  • The fox's tail was as captivating as the tale of its adventures.

32. Threw (past tense of throw) / Through (passing from one side to the other)

  • She threw the ball through the hoop.

33. Waist (part of the body) / Waste (discard)

  • He tied a belt around his waist and disposed of the waste in the trash bin.

34. Brake (car part) / Break (to separate)

  • He had to brake suddenly to avoid a break in traffic.

35. Eye (organ of sight) / I (pronoun)

  • I can see the bird with my own eye.

36. Fair (just) / Fare (cost of transportation)

  • The fair price for the bus fare was reasonable.

37. Knew (past tense of know) / New (recently made)

  • She knew about the new arrival at the store.

38. Right (correct) / Write (to put words on paper)

  • Please write your name on the right side of the paper.

39. Sea (body of saltwater) / See (to perceive with eyes)

  • We can see the sea from the top of the hill.

40. Thyme (herb) / Time (duration)

  • She added some thyme to the recipe, which required more time to cook.

41. Board (a flat surface) / Bored (feeling uninterested)

  • The students were bored and doodled on their textbooks.

42. Principal (school head) / Principle (fundamental truth)

  • The principal enforced the principle of honesty in the school.

43. Mail (postal system) / Male (gender)

  • The mail carrier delivered a package to the male recipient.

44. Weight (measurement of heaviness) / Wait (to stay in anticipation)

  • She had to wait for her turn on the weight scale.

45. Sight (vision) / Site (location)

  • The construction workers cleared the site to improve visibility and sight lines.

46. Role (part or function) / Roll (to rotate)

  • He played a crucial role in the play and had to roll on the stage.

47. Ball (spherical object) / Bawl (to cry loudly)

  • The toddler started to bawl when his ball rolled away.

48. Road (a route) / Rowed (past tense of row)

  • They rowed their boat down the road in the river.

49. Cereal (breakfast food) / Serial (in consecutive order)

  • She loved to watch a gripping serial while having her cereal in the morning.

50. Poor (lacking wealth) / Pour (to flow or cause to flow)

  • She felt sorry for the poor beggar and decided to pour him a cup of hot coffee.

51. Steal (to take without permission) / Steel (a strong alloy)

  • The thief attempted to steal a piece of steel from the construction site.

52. Fair (light complexion) / Fare (food)

  • Her fair skin burned easily under the sun, so she packed a healthy fare for the picnic.

53. Groan (sound of pain) / Grown (past participle of grow)

  • The patient let out a groan as his wound had grown infected.

54. Mail (postal system) / Male (gender)

  • The mailman delivered a package to the male recipient.

55. Ate (past tense of eat) / Eight (the number)

  • She ate eight slices of pizza at the party.

56. Right (direction) / Write (to put words on paper)

  • Turn right at the corner and write down the address.

57. Pair (set of two) / Pear (fruit)

  • She bought a pair of shoes and a ripe pear from the grocery store.

58. Meet (encounter) / Meat (animal flesh)

  • Let's meet at the restaurant and have some grilled meat.

59. Morning (early part of the day) / Mourning (expression of grief)

  • The entire nation observed a day of mourning after the tragic event.

60. Peace (absence of conflict) / Piece (a portion)

  • She found peace of mind and a missing puzzle piece in the meditation room.

61. One (the number) / Won (past tense of win)

  • He was ecstatic when he won the game by a single point.

62. Serial (in consecutive order) / Cereal (breakfast food)

  • He enjoyed reading a thrilling crime serial while having a bowl of cereal.

63. Made (past tense of make) / Maid (female servant)

  • She made the bed before the maid arrived to clean the room.

64. Mail (postal system) / Male (gender)

  • The mail was delivered by a male mail carrier.

65. Cents (currency) / Sense (understanding)

  • She didn't have enough cents to make sense of the financial report.

66. Principle (fundamental truth) / Principal (school head)

  • The principal enforced the principle of honesty among the students.

67. Tail (rear end) / Tale (story)

  • The cat wagged its tail as if it were telling a tale.

68. Allowed (permitted) / Aloud (audibly)

  • The teacher allowed the student to read the poem aloud to the class.

69. Throne (royal seat) / Thrown (past participle of throw)

  • The king sat on his throne while the rebels were thrown into the dungeon.

70. Scent (fragrance) / Sent (past tense of send)

  • The scent of flowers filled the room as she sent a bouquet to her friend.

71. Cite (to quote) / Site (location)

  • He forgot to cite the source of the information on his research site.

72. Knight (a medieval warrior) / Night (period of darkness)

  • The knight rode through the forest at night.

73. Scene (a specific location) / Seen (past participle of see)

  • I have never seen such a breathtaking scene in my life.

74. Medal (an award) / Metal (a solid material)

  • She won a gold medal made of metal in the swimming competition.

75. Chord (a musical note combination) / Cord (a thin, flexible rope)

  • He strummed the guitar chord and tied the cord around the package.

76. Steal (to take without permission) / Steel (a strong alloy)

  • The thief attempted to steal a piece of steel from the construction site.

77. Principle (moral rule) / Principal (head of a school)

  • The principal enforced the principle of honesty among the students.

78. Plane (a flat surface) / Plain (simple or unadorned)

  • She drew a straight line on the plain white plane.

79. Chews (to bite and grind with teeth) / Choose (to select)

  • She couldn't choose which flavor of gum to chew.

80. Rain (precipitation) / Reign (to rule)

  • The rain poured down during the reign of the thunderstorm.

81. Right (correct) / Write (to put words on paper)

  • Please write your name on the right side of the paper.

82. Sore (painful) / Soar (to fly high)

  • Her feet were sore from walking all day, but her spirits continued to soar.

83. Seam (a line where two fabrics are sewn together) / seem (to appear)

  • The seam of the dress was perfectly stitched, making it seem seamless.

84. Dew (moisture) / Due (expected or owed)

  • The grass was covered in morning dew, and the payment is due by the end of the month.

85. Vane (a device to show wind direction) / Vein (a blood vessel)

  • The vane on top of the building pointed north, while the nurse inserted a needle into the patient's vein.

86. Pour (to flow or cause to flow) / Poor (lacking wealth)

  • She poured a glass of water and felt sorry for the poor beggar on the street.

87. Mail (postal system) / Male (gender)

  • The mailman delivered the letter to the male recipient.

88. Brake (car part) / Break (to separate)

  • He had to brake suddenly to avoid a break in traffic.

89. Bored (feeling uninterested) / Board (a flat surface)

  • The students were bored in class and started drawing on the board.

90. Sweet (having a pleasant taste) / Suite (a set of rooms)

  • The dessert was incredibly sweet, and they booked a luxurious suite for their honeymoon.

91. Peak (highest point) / Peek (to glance quickly)

  • They reached the peak of the mountain and took a peek at the breathtaking view.

92. Meet (encounter) / Meat (animal flesh)

  • Let's meet at the restaurant and order some grilled meat.

93. Poor (lacking wealth) / Pore (a small opening on the skin)

  • The poor girl wiped away the tears, careful not to clog her pores.

94. Principal (school head) / Principle (fundamental truth)

  • The principal enforced the principle of honesty among the students.

95. Rode (past tense of ride) / Road (a route)

  • She rode her bicycle down the road to get to school.

96. Tail (rear end) / Tale (story)

  • The dog wagged its tail as if telling a tale of adventure.

97. Vain (excessively proud) / Vein (a blood vessel)

  • He was so vain that he admired himself in the mirror while the nurse drew blood from his vein.

98. Flour (powdered grain) / Flower (plant blossom)

  • She used flour to bake a cake decorated with edible flower petals.

99. Idle (inactive) / Idol (a revered figure)

  • He spent his idle hours worshiping his idol.

100. Capital (a city or wealth) / Capitol (a building)
  • London is the capital of England.

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