100 Examples of Collective Nouns with Sentences

100 Examples of Collective Nouns with Sentences and PDF

100 Examples of Collective Nouns with Sentences

Collective nouns are words used to describe groups of people, animals, or things. They are singular in form but refer to multiple individuals or objects as a whole. Instead of referring to each member of the group individually, collective nouns represent the group as a single entity.

100 Examples of Collective Nouns with Sentences

1. A bunch of bananas: She picked up a bunch of bananas from the market.

2. A flock of birds: A flock of birds flew across the sky, creating a beautiful sight.

3. A herd of cattle: The rancher led his herd of cattle to graze in the pasture.

4. A swarm of bees: The sound of a swarm of bees buzzing filled the air.

5. A pack of wolves: The pack of wolves howled in the distance.

6. A colony of ants: The colony of ants worked together to build their intricate tunnels.

7. A team of players: The team of players celebrated their victory on the field.

8. A group of friends: A group of friends gathered at the park for a picnic.

9. A fleet of ships: The fleet of ships sailed across the vast ocean.

10. A pride of lions: The pride of lions rested under the shade of a tree.

11. A bouquet of flowers: She received a beautiful bouquet of flowers on her birthday.

12. A school of fish: We saw a school of fish swimming in the clear blue water.

13. A pack of cards: He shuffled the pack of cards before dealing them out.

14. A crowd of people: A large crowd of people gathered to watch the concert.

15. A committee of members: The committee of members discussed important matters during the meeting.

16. A group of students: The group of students worked together on the group project.

17. A collection of books: Her collection of books filled the shelves in the library.

18. A fleet of cars: The fleet of cars lined up for the race.

19. A team of researchers: The team of researchers conducted experiments in the lab.

20. A troupe of actors: The troupe of actors rehearsed for their upcoming play.

21. A herd of elephants: We observed a herd of elephants in the safari park.

22. A band of musicians: The band of musicians played their instruments with great skill.

23. A swarm of mosquitoes: We were attacked by a swarm of mosquitoes during our camping trip.

24. A group of volunteers: A group of volunteers helped clean up the beach.

25. A pack of cigarettes: He bought a pack of cigarettes from the store.

26. A gaggle of geese: The gaggle of geese honked loudly as they flew overhead.

27. A cluster of stars: The cluster of stars formed a beautiful constellation in the night sky.

28. A company of soldiers: The company of soldiers marched in perfect formation.

29. A troupe of dancers: The troupe of dancers performed an amazing routine on stage.

30. A swarm of locusts: The swarm of locusts destroyed the crops in the field.

31. A group of colleagues: The group of colleagues gathered for a team meeting.

32. A fleet of airplanes: The fleet of airplanes took off from the runway one by one.

33. A bunch of keys: She carried a bunch of keys to unlock the doors.

34. A herd of sheep: The shepherd guided his herd of sheep across the meadow.

35. A crowd of spectators: The crowd of spectators cheered for their favorite team.

36. A committee of experts: The committee of experts discussed the issue at length.

37. A pack of hounds: The pack of hounds chased the scent of the fox.

38. A group of tourists: The group of tourists explored the historical landmarks of the city.

39. A collection of art: The gallery displayed a stunning collection of art pieces.

40. A swarm of butterflies: A swarm of butterflies fluttered around the flowers in the garden.

41. A band of robbers: The band of robbers planned their next heist.

42. A herd of deer: We spotted a herd of deer grazing in the meadow.

43. A team of doctors: The team of doctors worked together to save lives in the emergency room.

44. A troupe of acrobats: The troupe of acrobats amazed the audience with their stunts.

45. A swarm of ants: The swarm of ants marched in a straight line, carrying food back to their nest.

46. A group of children: A group of children played together in the playground.

47. A fleet of trucks: The fleet of trucks transported goods across the country.

48. A pack of cards: They played a game of poker using a pack of cards.

49. A bunch of flowers: He bought a bunch of flowers for his mother on Mother's Day.

50. A crowd of fans: The crowd of fans cheered for their favorite team at the stadium.

51. A committee of judges: The committee of judges evaluated the performances in the talent show.

52. A group of musicians: The group of musicians rehearsed for their upcoming concert.

53. A flock of sheep: The flock of sheep grazed peacefully in the meadow.

54. A cluster of grapes: She plucked a cluster of grapes from the vine.

55. A company of actors: The company of actors performed a Shakespearean play.

56. A troupe of clowns: The troupe of clowns entertained the children at the circus.

57. A swarm of birds: A swarm of birds flew in unison across the sky.

58. A group of colleagues: The group of colleagues brainstormed ideas for the project.

59. A fleet of taxis: The fleet of taxis lined up outside the train station.

60. A pack of dogs: The pack of dogs barked loudly in the park.

61. A herd of goats: The herd of goats grazed on the hillside.

62. A band of rebels: The band of rebels fought against the oppressive regime.

63. A crowd of onlookers: A crowd of onlookers gathered to watch the street performance.

64. A committee of politicians: The committee of politicians discussed new legislation.

65. A team of athletes: The team of athletes trained rigorously for the upcoming competition.

66. A swarm of flies: The swarm of flies buzzed around the garbage bin.

67. A group of explorers: The group of explorers ventured into the uncharted territory.

68. A collection of artifacts: The museum showcased a collection of ancient artifacts.

69. A fleet of bicycles: The fleet of bicycles rode through the city streets.

70. A troupe of singers: The troupe of singers harmonized beautifully on stage.

71. A herd of zebras: We watched a herd of zebras graze on the savannah.

72. A pack of cards: They played a game of blackjack with a pack of cards.

73. A bunch of grapes: She plucked a bunch of grapes from the vineyard.

74. A crowd of protesters: The crowd of protesters marched through the streets, demanding change.

75. A committee of teachers: The committee of teachers discussed curriculum development.

76. A group of swimmers: The group of swimmers practiced their strokes in the pool.

77. A fleet of boats: The fleet of boats sailed out to sea for a fishing expedition.

78. A pack of cigarettes: He took out a pack of cigarettes and lit one up.

79. A herd of wildebeest: We witnessed a herd of wildebeest crossing the river during the migration.

80. A cluster of mushrooms: We found a cluster of mushrooms growing in the forest.

81. A team of engineers: The team of engineers worked together to design a new bridge.

82. A troupe of actors: The troupe of actors performed a comedic play for the audience.

83. A swarm of bees: The swarm of bees buzzed around the beehive.

84. A group of friends: The group of friends went on a hiking trip together.

85. A collection of stamps: His collection of stamps was displayed in a special album.

86. A fleet of cars: The fleet of cars drove along the highway towards their destination.

87. A pack of wolves: The pack of wolves hunted together in the forest.

88. A bunch of keys: She sorted through the bunch of keys to find the right one.

89. A crowd of shoppers: The crowd of shoppers filled the mall during the holiday season.

90. A committee of scientists: The committee of scientists conducted research on climate change.

91. A team of firefighters: The team of firefighters rushed to extinguish the blazing fire.

92. A herd of buffalo: We spotted a herd of buffalo grazing on the grasslands.

93. A cluster of diamonds: The jeweler displayed a cluster of diamonds in the showcase.

94. A troupe of dancers: The troupe of dancers performed a ballet routine on stage.

95. A swarm of mosquitoes: We swatted away a swarm of mosquitoes during our camping trip.

96. A group of colleagues: The group of colleagues collaborated on a project together.

97. A fleet of planes: The fleet of planes took off one by one from the runway.

98. A pack of playing cards: They played a game of poker with a pack of playing cards.

99. A bunch of balloons: The children held a bunch of balloons at the birthday party.

100. A crowd of supporters: The crowd of supporters cheered for their favorite team at the match.

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